The NSW Government has a number of concessions that are available for eligible residential energy customers. These can be found on the government website at
Low Income Household Rebate
The Low Income Household Rebate is aimed at providing residential customers with assistance in paying their electricity bills. Customers need to hold one of the below concession cards:
- Pensioner Concession Card from the Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink) or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs; or
- A Health Care Card from the Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink); or
- Gold Card from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs marked with:
- Totally and Permanently Incapacitated or
- Disability Pension or
- War Widow or War Widower Pension
To be eligible for the Low Income Household Rebate you also need to:
- be a NSW resident,
- be a customer of an electricity retailer, a resident of a retirement village, a long term resident of a caravan or mobile home park; and
- your name must be on the electricity account for supply to your principal place of residence.
For more information about the Low Income Household Rebate, please visit
Life Support Rebate
The Life Support Rebate is designed to provide assistance where approved life support equipment is used by the residential customer (or another person that lives at the same address as the residential customer). Applications for the Life Support Rebate must be made on the NSW Department of Industry Life Support Application Form found at:
Medical Energy Rebate
The Medical Energy Rebate is designed to provide assistance where a residential customer (or a person who lives at the same address as the residential customer) has an inability to self-regulate body temperature and the residential customer holds one of the required concession cards. An inability to self-regulate body temperature may be associated with certain medical conditions. Application for the medical energy rebate must be made through the department of Industry and the application form is found at:
Family Energy Rebate
The Family Energy Rebate is also aimed at helping families manage their energy bills. It is available to residential customers who receive Commonwealth Governments Family Tax Benefit A or B. Applications must be made using the Department of Industry’s application form found at:
Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) Scheme
In the event of a crisis or emergency, The Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) Scheme is available to help residential energy customers pay their energy bills. The EAPA scheme is administered by the Department of Industry and is aimed at helping customers stay connected to essential energy services. Community Welfare Organisations (CWO’s) apply the EAPA scheme vouchers to eligible customers. If you are referred to a CWO you will be required to take your original bill (that is, the first bill for the current payment period) when you attend the EAPA assessment. For a list of CWO’s please see
If you have been provided with an EAPA voucher to assist in payment of your electricity bill please contact GEE Energy on 1300 707 042 or email at [email protected] and we will provide you a reply paid envelope for you to send the EAPA vouchers to us. The amount shown on any valid EAPA voucher will then be credited off your electricity bill.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic you can also apply directly through MyServiceNSW at or by calling 13 77 88. You will also need to provide a copy of your bill.
The Victorian Government provides a variety of support mechanisms to eligible concession card holders.
Victorian energy concessions eligibility
To be eligible you must hold one of the following concession cards:
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
- Pensioner Concession Card (issued by the Department of Human Services) or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
- Health Care Card (HCC) issued by the Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink).
Energy Concessions can be claimed if each of the following criteria are satisfied:
- A valid and eligible concession card is held.
- The residential energy account with GEE for electricity is in the name of the concession cardholder.
- The name on the account(s) and the eligible concession must be identical.
- The address the residential energy we supply to is the primary residence.
Annual Electricity Concession
The Annual Electricity Concession provides a 17.5% discount off your household electricity usage and service costs, which is calculated after discounts and solar credits have been deducted from your electricity bill. The concession does not apply to the first $171.60 of your bills (the first $171.60 is calculated as a daily rate on each bill).
To receive your Annual Electricity Concession you must provide us with your valid details via our website or by calling us on 1300 707 042.
Controlled Load Electricity concession
The Controlled Load Electricity concession allows eligible customers a 13% discount off controlled load or dedicated circuit tariffs (eg that are normally used for water heaters or slab heating etc).
The controlled load or dedicated circuit tariff applies to household electricity bills that have separately metered electric hot water or slab heating. This concession is available all year round.
You need to provide us with your valid concession details to receive your Controlled Load Electricity concession. This can be done on our website or by calling 1300 707 042.
Service to Property concession
The Service to Property concession provides a reduction on the Service charge (poles, wires) for concession households with low electricity consumption. The concession is applied if the cost of electricity used is less than the Service charge.
You need to provide us with your valid concession details to receive your Service to Property concession. This can be done on our website or by calling 1300 707 042.
Re-energisation (Transfer) fee waiver
The re-energisation transfer fee waiver provides a full waiver of applicable fee(s) normally paid when you organise a standard connection of electricity at a property.
You need to provide us with your valid concession details to receive your Re-energisation (transfer) waiver. This can be done on our website or by calling 1300 707 042.
Life support concession
The Life Support concession provides a discount on electricity bills where a household member uses an eligible life support machine. The discount is equal to the cost of 1,880 kilowatt (470 kilowatt per quarter) hours of electricity used each year, calculated using a general domestic tariff. The Life Support concession is available all year round.
You may be eligible for Life Support concession if you have one of the listed approved machines:
- Oxygen concentrators,
- Intermittent peritoneal dialysis machines
- Haemodialysis machines.
Customers who have a life support machine or any other type of machine prescribed by a doctor for life support purposes, must contact GEE Energy on 1300 707 042 to ensure life support details are recorded by us.
To be eligible for Life Support concession discount you must fulfill the following criteria:
- Hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) issued by the Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink) or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, OR,
- Hold a valid Health Care Card (HCC) issued by Centrelink or a valid Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
- The account holder or another occupant in the household requires one or more of the eligible medical equipment(s) above to sustain life, and;
- an application form signed by the patient’s doctor to verify the need for the specific in house life support equipment is returned to GEE Energy.
- A machine eligible for a Life Support Concession must use at least 1880 kilowatt hours per year.
To apply for this concession please contact us on 1300 707 042 and request the Life Support concession form. Please note the Life Support concession form is separate to the Life Support Registration form. You will still be required to complete the Life Support registration form to verify the use of Life Support equipment at your premises.
Medical cooling concession
Provides a 17.5% discount off electricity costs from 1 November to 30 April for concession cardholders with multiple sclerosis and other qualifying medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia and motor neuron disease.
- Hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) issued by the Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink) or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or;
- hold a valid Health Care Card (HCC) issued by Centrelink, or;
- hold a valid Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.
- The account holder or another occupant in the household has the inability to self-regulate body temperature, and;
- an application form signed by the patient’s doctor to verify the need for heating or cooling to regulate body temperature is to be returned to GEE Energy
To apply for this concession call us on 1300 707 042 and request the Medical Cooling concession form.
Excess energy concession
Customers receiving the Annual Electricity Concession with annual electricity bills that exceed the level for these concessions need to apply for the Excess Energy Concession to continue to receive:
- The 17.5 per cent concession on electricity consumed above the trigger level. The trigger level is set at $412.36 (excluding GST) of the Annual Electricity Concession and is an annual amount.
If you exceed the trigger level, GEE will send you a form which must be completed and returned to the Department of Health & Human Services.
The Excess Energy Concession has an annual period of 1 December to 30 November.
If you are receiving the Life Support Concession or the Medical Cooling Concession as well as the Annual Electricity Concession and or the Winter Gas Concession you are not required to apply for the Excess Energy Concession as you will automatically receive the Concession should your energy consumption reach the trigger level(s).
Utility Relief Grant Scheme (URGS)
The Utility Relief Grant Scheme is designed to help eligible low-income Victorian customers pay overdue bills when experiencing unexpected hardship. The Department of Health and Human Services website has more information about this grant.
If you would like to apply for this grant, please contact us on 1300 707 042.
Non-Government or Community Assistance
Where you are struggling to make payments but don’t qualify for government assistance, Non-government assistance can be available through local community service providers such as a community welfare organisations or financial counsellors.
To locate a help centre near you, please visit CISVic or the National Debt Helpline.
Some not for profit organisations you can contact to obtain more information on other assistance available to you are Anglicare, Salvation Army, Australian Red Cross, St Vincent De Paul Society.
As a customer, you may qualify for various concessions administered by GEE Energy on behalf of the QLD Government. Eligibility conditions vary and are subject to change from time to time. Please read the information provided for each concession below to see if you are eligible.
Queensland electricity concession
The Electricity Rebate is currently $340.85 per year (GST inclusive)
Rebates are available to people who have any of the below:
- Queensland Seniors Card
- Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
- Services Australia Health Care Card* (Electricity Rebate only)
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card (and receive the War Widow/er Pension or special rate TPI Pension)
- Asylum seeker status—residents will need to provide their ImmiCard details (Electricity Rebate only).
* This includes holders of a Low Income Health Care Card and Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card.
To be eligible, you must be the electricity account holder and also live alone or share your principal place of residence with (only) any of the below:
- your spouse
- other people who hold a Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Queensland Seniors Card
- other people wholly dependent on you
- other people who receive an income support or families payment from Services Australia who do not pay rent
- other people who receive an income support payment from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and who do not pay rent
- other people who live with the cardholder to provide care and assistance, and who do not pay rent.
Are you eligible for a concession?
You can apply via one of the following methods:
Call us on 1300 707 042
Download and complete the attached application form, then returning a completed copy to the following address:
GEE Energy
PO Box 3122
Newstead, QLD 4006
Application for electricity rebate
Electricity life support
The Queensland Government provides an electricity life support concession for eligible people who are seriously ill and use a home-based oxygen concentrator or kidney dialysis machine.
This concession is to contribute to the electricity cost of running these machines.
If you or someone in your household depends on life support equipment, contact your electricity provider and register your household as a life support household. If you lose power, you will be contacted and provided with updates on when it will be fixed. You can register as a life support household even if you are not eligible for the Life Support Concession.
Oxygen concentrators
To be eligible, you must:
- receive your oxygen concentrator free of charge through the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS)
AND - have been medically assessed in accordance with the eligibility criteria determined by MASS
AND - hold one of the following concession cards:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Health Care Card
- Health Care Interim Voucher
- Child Disability Allowance
- Queensland Seniors Card.
Kidney dialysis machines
To be eligible, you must receive your home-based kidney dialysis machine free of charge through a Queensland Health hospital.
Oxygen concentrators and kidney dialysis machines not supplied by MASS or Queensland Health
If you have an oxygen concentrator or kidney dialysis machine, but MASS or Queensland Health did not supply it, you are not eligible to receive the electricity life support concession.
Private and home care package supplied oxygen concentrators and kidney dialysis machines are not eligible for this concession.
The electricity life support concession is not available for any other machines supplied through Queensland Health or other agencies.
Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure (CPAP) machine users are not eligible to receive the concession.
Full eligibility requirements for the concession are outlined on the application form.
How to apply
Oxygen concentrator
To apply, complete the Electricity Life Support Concession application form. The form will be sent to you within 14 working days of receiving your machine. If you do not receive an application form, contact the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme to request a new one.
Kidney dialysis
To apply, complete the Electricity Life Support Concession application form that will be provided to you from the Renal Unit at Queensland Health hospitals.
A parent or guardian can submit an application on behalf of a child under 18.
A person holding power of attorney, under the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 (Qld), may sign the application on behalf of the applicant.
For help completing the application, phone Concession Services on 13 QGOV (13 74 68). Incomplete or inaccurate applications may delay your concession payment.
Payment amounts
If you are eligible for the concession, you will receive a payment of:
- $694.18 per year, or $57.85 per month ($173.55 per quarter) for each oxygen concentrator, or
- $464.88 per year, or $38.74 per month ($116.22 per quarter) for each kidney dialysis machine you use.
The concession is calculated monthly and paid quarterly.
Payment dates
You will receive your payment on or around 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year, by electronic funds transfer to your nominated bank account.
Applications lodged less than 21 days before the payment date will be paid on the next payment date.
Fraudulent claims
If you submit an application for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining the concession, legal action may be taken against you.
If you are no longer using the machine call Concession Services on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) immediately for your concession to be discontinued.
Concession Services provide the concessional payment separate to Queensland Health who provide the life support machine. If you fail to notify Concession Services and an overpayment occurs, you may be liable for repaying the money.
Change of details
You must notify any of the following changes immediately:
- address
- bank account details*
- eligibility for the concession.
*For security purposes you must submit changes to your bank account details in writing.
To notify of changes
Concession Services
Smart Service Queensland
PO Box 10817 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
Phone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
Email: [email protected]
Find out more
- Your Energy Savings website provides information about saving energy, saving money and available government assistance.
- The energy ratings and water ratings of appliances can help you compare products based on their energy and water efficiency.
- Phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
- The Medical Cooling and Heating Electricity Concession Scheme provides concessions for people with specific medical conditions requiring the use of an air-conditioner to regulate their body temperature.
- The Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme helps low-income households pay energy bills at a time of crisis or in emergencies.
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